Archive for December, 2014

Christmas in Cambodia

We would like to start by saying that we hope you all have had a blessed Christmas with friends and family.  We have missed ours very much but we have special friends and Khmer family who have made us feel very much at home.

In the run up to Christmas we had some of the most joyous days that we have had so far in Cambodia. On Thursday 18th we headed down to “Happy Kids Club”, we actually took two cars with us because we wanted our key leaders to witness what God has been doing. We started with a party for approximately 170 boys and girls, only a year ago we had about 50-60 children. The praise was as always fantastic and fully anointed; some of the children put on a Nativity play and then they all played some games. During the party there was close to 50 adults who had gathered and were enjoying the festivities.  Afterwards Bong Paula called them all to stay so she could introduce herself to them. Part of our church plan was to start bringing Bong Paula to the village in the New Year and within 3 months we would have maybe half a dozen people meeting to learn about God. But God had bigger plans as He so often does!  Bong Paula started preaching and by the end after being specific with the gospel message she led 25 people to Jesus! The first one to respond was Sarak’s mum and many of you will remember that we asked you to pray for her, well thank you because your prayers have been answered!  Forty five adults expressed their interest in beginning a weekly Bible study which Bong Paula will commence in January.  We want to thank you for constantly praying for the village work; we have a second community and possibly a third that we want to move into in 2015.   Keep praying and please remember the 25 adults who responded that their decision to follow Jesus will be real and life changing to not only them but to their community!

Happy Kids Club

Happy Kids Club

Last Sunday we had our Christmas service where we had somewhere close to 300 attending and like years before we seen many new faces. Probably one of the most exciting things for me was the fact that we had possibly 25 families from our Early Learning Centre there. Most of them not Christians but being drawn to church and to God through their children, Nita and the amazing ELC staff and also everyone that has got involved sponsoring children’s places in our ELC. (If you would like to know more about this or would like to sponsor a child get in touch with us at: ; it is £20 a month, but by helping you are impacting more than just the child’s life)

The Christmas program went really well.   The dance team consisted of three girls from the Be Free program along with Sokim, Sophea and Marianna. They performed two dances; the second was very special with a Nativity part at the end with our newlyweds Sopheavy and Visal playing Mary and Joseph. Sarak and the worship team as usual did us proud, and we also had for the first time our full Elim staff family singing and then being joined by the ELC children. Fun was had, people felt welcome and part of things and that’s what we believe church should be all about, showing Jesus not just through the message but living it in all that we do! Our dear friend Barry brought God’s word bringing to an end a very full program, created and produced by an amazing God filled Khmer team willing to give their all for Jesus! We finished the morning with photographs of Mary and Joseph giving each child a gift reminding us of God’s gift to us all.  Lunch was served downstairs where Srey Poas and her team worked tirelessly to provide everyone with food.

Christmas Service

Christmas Service

As I have already said it’s not easy being away from family especially at Christmas but we want to thank three of our dear friends here in Cambodia. Jonny and Jill Hamill from Northern Ireland have been constant and consistent in their love and kindness over this past year. They bring humour and love always at the right moments and we would struggle at times without them. Julie has been on our journey from day one and as I write this she is on her way home to meet her wonderful Mum and Dad; she is always there for us and such a blessing that we thank God for.  So this Christmas Day was good, of course we cannot forget our two beautiful pups Meg and Ruby, bundles of joy and life! Esther as usual excelled herself in the kitchen with all her little extra touches making Christmas as special as she could for all of us.

Blessed with good friends

Blessed with good friends

We want to wish all of our readers a wonderful Christ filled and Happy New Year, thank you for your love and support in whatever way that comes, just remember because of you and your loyalty to God, the work and to us; things are happening, bless you all.

In closing we want to ask you to pray for two very important families in our lives.  Firstly please pray for two of our lifelong friends Lynn and Hugh Wilson.  Lynn’s Mum passed away on Boxing Day and our thoughts and prayers are with the whole family circle, please join us in lifting them up. Thank God Lynn’s Mum was in love with Jesus, we are so sad we can’t be there to support our friends at this time but we know that God will bring a peace that passes all understanding. Secondly please pray for a miracle for Tim and Kim Martin’s son Joshua; we stand as a church in Cambodia with many Christians around the world proclaiming that Jesus Christ is not only Lord but Healer as well.  Please join us in praying for God’s healing power to flow and that we will hear of a miracle in Joshua’s life. Please in both these situations remember to pray but also give the families space and privacy.

Guest blogger Linda

I have spent this week in Cambodia with David and Esther. It’s my fourth visit and this place simply captures your heart!  I can’t help but feel at home as I get off the plane.  Every time I come I see such progress. The girls at Be Free developing their skills and growing in self-confidence. To see them willingly participate in devotions; singing and praying together before they start the day is so moving. The Be Free program is so worthwhile. It’s life changing! I was so amazed by the products the girls have made for this Christmas season, the cards and decorations are of such high quality. They are definitely a must have.  I could not resist the lovely Christmas stocking and had four made to hang on our fire place when I get home.  These girls are incredibly talented! The stockings will be a great talking point; each time someone comments on them it will be an opportunity to share the amazing Be Free story.

personalised stockings

personalised stockings

On Friday afternoon after church, we did Secret Santa at the Be Free centre. The excitement level was really high! Each girl had a budget of $2.50 budget to buy a gift. They purchased shampoos and toothpaste – treats for each other. All wrapped beautifully and placed under the tree. We ate shortbread that David made, with Christmas Carols playing in the back ground; the presents were opened one by one as we sat in a circle together. There were screams of delight as each simple package was opened. It was a scene that I will remember for a long time!

Excited about presents

Excited about presents

All the gifts

All the gifts

The Early Learning Centre is as always a busy place and the children are simply adorable. They were enjoying the new play park donated by one of our Elim Churches when I arrived – they were busy on climbing frames and swings! It looks amazing! The buzz noise of children playing and just having such fun made me smile every time I passed the play area .

Part of my job here this week is to write budgets with David to ensure we can keep this amazing work funded. To everyone who reads the blog and prays – keep going . This is an amazing work on the ground.  To everyone who supports this work by donation its money so well spent. Perhaps you support by buying or selling the products made by the girls. Keep going, your efforts are a great help. Your involvement helps David and Esther do an amazing job! Its team work – we all need each other in this work.

If you are reading this blog and you would like to help we would love to have you on board.  If you are wondering how here are a few ideas:

Could  you sponsor a child at the ELC?  It costs £20 a month which gives a child a great start in life and he or she is well cared for whilst parents try to earn a living.

Or could you do a fund raising event at your church or with friends and family to raise funds for Be Free?  Be involved in assisting women with life stories we can’t begin to imagine. Women who have been rescued from trafficking.

Any other ideas are welcome! Just contact Elim missions by calling 01684 588940 or send an email to and someone will get back to you.

Last Sunday we had a great church service. There were several people who responded for prayer which was great to see. However, there was a lady in church who was visiting for the second time and she gave her life to Jesus. How amazing is that!

To finish let me share one thing.  I went on Thursday to Happy Kids Club out in the province . We crossed the river by driving our car onto a platform of wood supported by two small boats. Not one of my usual modes of transport but it was perfectly safe.  At the other side Sarak, our young pastor held a kids club.  There were over 100 boys and girls present. They were engaged in the Bible story but I was moved as I watched them sing familiar choruses with eyes closed and hands raised in worship. The older folks from the village hung around on the perimeter listening to all that was going on.  The plan is to plant a church there in the province in January. Isn’t it exciting when we share Jesus.

Happy Kids Club

Happy Kids Club

God has called each of us to work together  to share the love of God.   Our ELC children, our Be Free women and the community around us. Some go, some send,  whatever your role is it’s about building the kingdom together. Sharing Jesus!

Christmas in Cambodia has not been hijacked by consumerism . It’s simple, it’s basic, they celebrate Jesus birthday.  No lavish  dinners. No mountain of presents, they are just glad to know that Jesus came to save them!

Wedding Celebrations

As I write this week’s blog it is 7:30 on Saturday morning and a cool 25 degrees Celsius.  I’m sitting outside with my coffee and Meg and Ruby are enjoying exploring and eating anything they can get their paws onto.  This time last week we were in the province of Kampong Speu for the wedding of our staff member Sunny and her fiancé Sokchea.  A procession of three vehicles left Phnom Penh on Friday night and travelled the two hours arriving at the bride’s family home at around 9:3pm where preparations were in full swing.  The young people from the community were enjoying dancing to the loud music which was playing from the speakers. The family served food for us all and we chatted to Sunny and her parents thanking them again for giving us the honour of representing Sunny on their behalf.

We then made our way to the nearby church building where the Pastor allowed us all to stay for the night.  Mosquito nets were set up with ours looking like a giant food cover.  Once we all were organised and in our beds the instructions were given to turn off the generator and it was lights out and fans off.  We did manage a few hours’ sleep then it was all systems go with hair and make-up getting done in Sokim’s Salon!  Khmer weddings commence early and we needed to be at Sunny’s home for 7:30am for the first ceremony of the day – presentation of dowry.  Sokchea and his family led the procession to the bride’s home with the wedding guests carrying wrapped platters of gifts; fruits and Khmer dessert.  Our first official role was to greet Sokchea and his parents and a dialogue took place between the two Pastors who were representing each family and leading the proceedings of the day.  We accepted the dowry gifts, Sunny was then asked to join us and the groom and the rest of the procession were invited into the bride’s home.

Nita modelling our mosquito net

Nita modelling our mosquito net

Groom's procession

Groom’s procession

Accepting the dowry

Accepting the dowry

Welcoming wedding guests

Welcoming wedding guests

The fruit ceremony took place next with David and I receiving the gifts from the Groom’s parents tasting some of the fruit to prove its quality.  Musicians and singers performed during this ceremony and then breakfast was served for all the guests.  Sunny and Sokchea changed outfits for the next set of ceremonies where the parents were honoured and hair cutting ceremony took place.  This was emotional as due to the health of Sunny’s Mum she was unable to participate and Sunny’s Dad didn’t want to leave his wife’s side.  David told Sunny how proud we were of her, that we love her and were so happy to celebrate her marriage to Sokchea.

Bridal party

Bridal party

Lunch was then served and another costume change for the bride and groom ready for the Christian weeding ceremony.  Sunny looked beautiful in her white wedding dress and as she held David’s arm I thanked God for allowing us to have this moment.  Sunny and Sokchea exchanged vows and rings and officially became husband and wife in the presence of God.  Sokchea’s Father and David then gave advice to the couple as they begin this new chapter of their lives.  As with all newly married couples David advised that they first and foremost keep God in the centre of their lives, that they spend time reading the Bible and praying together, that they are always honest and never keep anything from each other.

A moment to treasure

A moment to treasure

One more costume change as the couple then received blessings from family and friends.  This was emotional for Sunny and Sokchea as their loved ones gave them monetary gifts to begin their married life.  I was especially touched when Sunny’s Dad and Uncle sat beside them, congratulating them and patting his hand on Sokchea’s shoulder officially welcoming him into their family.

Sunny's Uncle and Dad

Sunny’s Uncle and Dad

Praying for the newlyweds

Praying for the newlyweds

Officially Mr & Mrs

Officially Mr & Mrs

It was a long morning especially for Sunny and Sokchea who only had a few hours’ sleep.  I instructed them to eat something and try to get a little rest before we all assembled again for the evening celebrations.  Our group returned to the church, had a short rest before we all got glammed up again for the wedding reception.  When we arrived at Sunny’s home I was so happy to see them both looking refreshed and happy.  Like all couples they were glad to have the official ceremonies over and enjoyed welcoming friends and family and having lots of photographs taken.  There were a few more costume changes in the evening with them both dressed in white for the final tradition of cutting the fruit and throwing the bouquet.  Sparklers were lit, party string and snow was sprayed and Sarak’s responsibility was interviewing the couple as they shared about when they met and what they loved about each other.

The happy couple

The happy couple

Sunny and Sokchea are a beautiful couple and such a blessing to everyone they know.  We know God has great plans for them both and are excited for their future together as husband and wife.  We are so thankful to Sunny’s amazing parents for the honour they gave us, and we will cherish the moments we were privileged to be a part of.

For God so loved…..

We are blogging a day early as we leave this evening to travel to Kampong Speu province for Sunny’s wedding which will take place on Saturday.  Sunny has been a member of staff since we came to Cambodia and we are looking forward to being present at her marriage to Socheat. Please pray for them both and their families, that everything will go to plan and the bride and groom will enjoy their special day.

The girls in Be Free have enjoyed seeing photographs from various craft fairs and church events that have been selling the Christmas cards and decorations which they have made.  On Saturday I took Sokim, Dany and Channak to a Christmas fayre here in Phnom Penh.  We are planning to have a ‘Be Free’ stall next year and I wanted the girls to get an idea of what it would be like.  They enjoyed seeing all the handicrafts and they are already excited about taking part next year.  The girls are currently learning new skills so we can expand the range of products they make.  Watch this space!

At the start of our church service on Sunday we had a power cut.  This didn’t faze our worship team as they set down their instruments, moved off the stage and with one guitar carried on.  The church family opened the curtains, windows and doors and sang on.  Both David and I love it when this happens as all distractions are set aside and we worship from the heart.  And what beautiful worship it was!  When it came time for David to bring the message everyone worked well together rearranging the seating to the back of the church where there was more light.  I actually preferred the more relaxed style and liked everyone being closer together in a more informal setting.

A different view of church

A different view of church

Sunday was a busy day as one of our staff members So Pheavy was getting married to Visal.  In the afternoon Sokim and Sok’s home was turned into a beauty salon as several of us booked in to get our hair and makeup done.  Everyone looked very glamorous when we arrived at the evening reception and we were delighted to see the bride and groom enjoying themselves.  They were both exhausted from the two days of ceremonies but were still smiling!  Of course there were lots of photographs taken in between the many courses of food, I’ve picked a few of my favourite moments to share with you.  On behalf of all the Phnom Penh Elim family we offer our most sincere congratulations to So Pheavy and Visal and we wish them God’s abundant blessings in their married life together.

Visal and So Pheavy in one of their many wedding outfits

Visal and So Pheavy in one of their many wedding outfits

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

Phnom Penh Elim Family

Phnom Penh Elim Family

These men provided entertainment between courses

These men provided entertainment between courses

In the lead up to Christmas the job of decorating the church was given to the girls in Be Free.  They rose to the challenge and we all enjoyed every moment of making the church building look festive.  Anywhere that tinsel could be attached it was and although we won’t have a white Christmas we do have snowflakes in abundance!  We are grateful to Phanna and Dren for going up the ladders to secure the star; and Phanna also helped us set up the stage and tidy up everything when we finished.  The girls were in their element and I think the tradition of the Be Free team being responsible for decorations will long continue.

Working hard

Working hard

Very festive

Very festive

Our good friend Linda arrives early this evening and will hit the ground running as she is joining us for Sunny’s wedding.  This is Linda’s third visit to Cambodia and will be her first time experiencing a Khmer wedding.  We are looking forward to catching up with Linda and will enjoy spending the next week with her.  I might even ask her to share a few thoughts in next week’s blog.

As we are one week closer to Christmas our thoughts and prayers are focused on our special Christmas service when we have the opportunity to share the story of our Saviour King, Jesus who came into the earth as a baby.  As a church family we are already praying about who we can invite; that family and friends will come; and that hearts will be open as they perhaps hear about Jesus for the first time.  Why not join with us and pray about who you could invite along to your church carol service or if you are reading this and attending church, even at Christmas time, isn’t part of your life, re-consider and find out why we celebrate on Christmas Day.  We are here for you, drop us an email at: and we will help you in any way we can.